
September Kinky Scribble 2024

       Hey everyone, it has been a while! I am going to try an get this place revived a little bit, so I thought I would start with a new little bit of writing. Elle Largesse is currently hosting her September Kinky Scribbles event!! I wanted to participate last year, but just didn't have any creative juices flowing at all. So, when it cam around this year, I jumped on it! I looked at a list of old ideas I had kept away, and saw one that just said 'body swap.'      I had no real clear ideas for this, but after a moment of thought, this scene practically presented itself in my head!! I typed it out in about an hour, and posted it to my Deviantart, and then decided to post here as well!! So, I hope you enjoy! As far as content warnings go...the only real thing is a slight bit of verbal abuse, but otherwise it is fairly clean.      And if you want more info about Elle and the September Size Scribbles event, the link to her blog is here:  Elle's Blog Anyway, here it is:   

Size Review: All Those Explosions Were Someone Else's Fault

 Welcome to Size Review! When I do one of these, I take a look at material that has some size play of some sort or another. Today, we are looking at the mainstream superhero novel 'All Those Explosions Were Someone Else's Fault.' I actually picked this one up last summer for a bargain price of $4.95, namely because of that title. I mean, you couldn't ask for a more eye-catching title on a book. Plus the synopsis really seemed like it would fit in my wheelhouse. Monsters are real. But so are heroes. Sparks are champions of weird science. Boasting capes and costumes and amazing super-powers that only make sense if you don't think about them too hard, they fight an eternal battle for truth and justice . . . mostly. Darklings are creatures of myth and magic: ghosts, vampires, were-beasts, and the like. Their very presence warps reality. Doors creak at their approach. Cobwebs gather where they linger. Kim Lam is an ordinary college student until a freak scientific accide

Always The Small One

     So, while I was at work the other night, I sat thinking about the long list of projects I have in progress right now. This mainly stemmed from a tweet, in which multiple people were mentioning their five current WIPs (works in progress). As I sat there, I wondered how I would ever get to all of them. I figured that I could work out a fleshed out plot in my head, and then put it to paper.     And so, I came up with something not related to any of them.     It's funny how that can happen, isn't it? You set out to work on one project, and something else immediately takes its place.     The result is hard to describe. What I have here isn't really a story exactly, and it doesn't really have a clear rhythm pattern to be considered a poem. It is mainly just a collection of lines and prose, that resulted in something interesting. It features shrinking man, giantess growth, some slight cruelty, and is definitely NSFW. Without further adieu, here is 'Always the Small On

What Could Have Been: Shrunken Stand-Up Comic

 Hello all, and welcome to What Could Have Been.  In this feature, I highlight a project that was at one time in development on my end, but for some reason was just tossed aside or given up on. For this one, we go back to the 2019 SizeRiot GentleApril contest.  For those of you who remember, the contest had a theme of a character being aged 45+, and could be either SFW or NSFW. My eventual entry would be  Job Interview , but originally I had a much different vision for the contest. My idea was a stand-up comic, doing his show while speaking into a microphone bigger than him. The idea was fun and creative. (As far as I know, no one has done something like this. If they have, someone point me towards it in the comments, please!) I spent a night writing out some joke-filled dialogue longhand, as I am wont to do, before going to sleep. The next morning, looking back on it, I wasn't sure about it at all. For one thing, there was really not a clear story with this, and the formatting was


 Welcome to my blog! I know a lot of people in the community have blogs, so I was hesitant about starting one of my own. I mean, what can I bring to a community that is already so filled with similar blogs? But I'm trying it anyway. If anything, it will help me keep writing a bit more regularly. Plus, it will be a spot where my work can be shared if my DeviantArt ever crashes and burns. So, this blog will have different categories that I can post in. My main categories will be: Throwback-  Posts in this category will be re-publishings of past stories and such. Reviews-  Posts that will cover my thoughts on certain size media, mainly other written works. Some of these works covered might be more mainstream. What Could Have Been- These entries will be mainly scraps I have sitting around, whether they be half-written stories, or just concepts that I have been stumped on. I figure it might be fun for those who want a glimpse inside my mind. Announcements and News- These will be posts m

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